Queen Elizabeth School


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Barry Bogart


4102 W 16th Ave, Vancouver BC


West Point Grey




Queen Elizabeth School reflects changes in the social climate of the 20th century in the contrast between the pre-war and post-war buildings, which responded differently to the pedagogy of their times.

The 1940 English cottage-type building represents a child-centered ideology with informally assembled wings and a picturesque curving driveway, while the later buildings are systematized, practical and scientific, suggesting educational egalitarianism.

It is also telling that while the official opening of the 1940 building was presided over by Premier T.D. Pattullo, the official opening of the 1957 buildings was presided over by the city health officer.

Queen Elizabeth School is listed as a future priority the BC Government’s Seismic Mitigation program.

Please check out the archival photographs in the Gallery section of this page.


Historic Places Canada, BC GOV Seismic Mitigation Program Progress Report


Queen Elizabeth School


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