431 Helmcken St


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Rick Horne


431 Helmcken St, Vancouver BC






VHF True Colours 2017, Heritage Conservation Grant 2021

Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The property at 431 Helmcken Street consists of a modest one-and-a-half storey wood frame house in a single lot. Constructed in 1907, it is of value for its longevity as a rare survivor of early 20th century residential development in Vancouver’s Downtown South neighbourhood. The house is one of the few remaining houses left in a neighbourhood that predominantly consists of commercial structures and high-rise residential development.
This house represents modest and affordable speculative development at the end of a city block in Downtown South. This house was built at the same time as the houses at 435 and 439 Helmcken Street by Wellington W. Brehaut.
Together, these three houses form a continuous group, and are valued as three of only four houses left in the Downtown South that were originally port of an end-of-block development.
The house is also valued for its adaptability, being converted to office use during the 20th century, as well as apartments.
Downtown South evolved into a commercial district during the 20th century, with many properties, including 431 Helmcken, within close proximity to streetcar lines.
This house has fine Edwardian detailing, simple massing, efficiency of design, and sits forward on its property. While it has incurred some physical changes over time, the alterations speak to its survivability and contribute to its historic significance.
The house was repainted to a historic colour scheme in 2017 with the assistance of a VHF True Colours grant.
431 Helmcken Street is on the BC Register of Historic Places.


City of Vancouver Heritage Plaque; BC Register of Historic Places; VHF Files


431 Helmcken St


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