James and Lillian Downer House #1


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Christine Leviczky Riek


500 Glen Dr, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


Originally constructed by the Downer family in 1904, the James and Lillian Downer Houses, along with 512 Glen Drive and 520 Glen Drive, (also constructed by the Downers) are part of a streetscape telling a story of how early immigrants (in this case, from England) maximized the development potential of their properties.

The “duplexes” incorporate generous three bedroom units with porches and small yards, indicating the economic prosperity at the time of their construction.

The residence first appears in city directories in 1912 as 500 Glen Drive, with James F. Downer listed as the resident. James worked as a packer at the B.C. Sugar Refinery.

The address was officially revised from 1106-1110 East Pender Street to 500 Glen Drive in 2018.


City of Vancouver, British Columbia City Directories 1860-1955


James and Lillian Downer House #1


Directions in Google Maps


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