Storey and Campbell Warehouse


Storey and Campbell Warehouse at 518 Beatty Street. Credit: Marty Boechler
Photo Credit: Marty Boechler


518 Beatty St, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The Storey and Campbell Warehouse, erected in 1911, was Designed by William Tuff Whiteway, a talented architect best known for his design of the Sun Tower next door. The building was praised for being one of the best planned for its purpose in all of Canada. Like some others on the street, it is constructed with a steel-frame structure and exterior brick walls, which provided a measure of fire protection. Unusual for the time, it had a sprinkler system and was connected with the fire department.

The Storey and Campbell Company started as a wholesale company for horse and wagon paraphernalia. It later moved into automobiles and became the sole agents in British Columbia for Studebaker commercial trucks. The firm later shifted to distributing dry goods and small appliances.


Canada's Historic Places


Storey and Campbell Warehouse


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