Bowman Block


Bowman Block at 518 Beatty Street. Credit: Marty Boechler
Photo Credit: Marty Boechler


528 Beatty St, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The Bowman Block was originally built in 1906 as a seven-storey structure distribution warehouse. It was expanded through a two-storey addition in 1913. The Bowman Block has heritage value for being representative of wholesaling activities in this part of downtown Vancouver, especially in the years just prior to the First World War.

The warehouse was originally built as the Vancouver outlet for two manufacturing companies owned by prominent Victoria, B.C. businessman W.J. Pendray: the British Columbia Soap Works and British America Paint Company Ltd. (BAPCO).

It was also associated at an early date with the Gutta Percha & Rubber Co. Ltd., demonstrating a continuing association with new technology and the warehousing of industrial products. The flammable nature of these industrial products was the cause of a fire that gutted the building in 1929.


Canada's Historic Places


Bowman Block


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