54-56 E Cordova St


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Charlotte Bailey


54-56 E Cordova St, Vancouver BC




Mixed Use


W.G. Harvey built the Alvin Rooms in 1912 as a speculative development. The architect was Hugh Braunton.

The 1910 Lodging House By-Law closed sub-standard lodging houses and hotels. There was also a pressing need for short and long term accommodation in Vancouver – a product of the booming economy that attracted people and investment to the City.

The Alvin Hotel was an excellent example of cutting-edge Edwardian building technology and design. These design features included: means of escape from fire, and provision of fresh air and natural light in every bedroom from a long deep light well, equipment of every room with a radiator, a wash-basin, and cupboard, and each floor with a bathroom and toilets.

In 2017, 54-56 East Cordova Street was awarded a City of Vancouver Heritage Award of Honour recognizing the restoration of the exterior of the residence, including the fire escape and the partial interior restoration with included the hand-operated horse elevator.


City of Vancouver Heritage Conservation Program, City of Vancouver Heritage Awards, Canada's Historic Places


54-56 E Cordova St


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