Mainland Transfer Vancouver Warehouse


Mainland Transfer Vancouver Warehouse at 548-554 Beatty Street. Credit: Marty Boechler
Photo Credit: Marty Boechler


548-554 Beatty St, Vancouver BC






This building was built for Mainland Transfer around 1906. It originally backed onto a railway spur line. The building represents the growing storage and transfer business in Vancouver during the early twentieth century, and of the big business aspect of it, including the influence of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) Company.

In 1928, the building was expanded and 2 floors were added. These new floors were used for offices and were improved a number of times during the 1940s and 1950s.

After 1930, the building was subdivided and used by a variety of occupants – initially businesses and, since 1981, as strata-titled residences. The building was extensively rehabilitated in the residential conversion.

Other names: Johnson Terminals Warehouse


Canada's Historic Places


Mainland Transfer Vancouver Warehouse


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