6161 Macdonald St


Jane Macdougall photo for Globe and Mail article 2018
Photo Credit: Jane Macdougall


6161 Macdonald St, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


In 2005, the owner of this c.1930s Tudor Revival heritage home restored it with the help of a Heritage Revitilization Agreement (hence the H and L designation which also refers to landscape). The adjacent lot which had been empty was subdivided.

The home was designed by Hodgson & Simmonds. They were very active architects in the 1920s-30s in Vancouver. From theatres (including Stanley Theatre on Granville Street), to apartments, West Van Inglewood High School and Vancouver Heights United Church, they also designed the Pacific National Exhibition on East Hastings Street - several buildings, including: the Livestock Bldg, BC Products Pavilion, Penny Arcade, Pure Foods Bldg, Canada Bldg, Automotive & Ice Rink BLdg and Horticultural Display Bldg.

Hugh Astley Hodgson (1880-1965) designed a number of significant works in the Lower Mainland, including Oakalla Prison in Burnaby and Caulfeild public school in West Vancouver.


Globe and Mail article, Jan 18, 2018 online


6161 Macdonald St


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