Maple Grove Elementary


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Ann-Marie Spicer


6199 Cypress Street, Vancouver BC






Maple Grove Elementary School traces its origins to 1912, when the first Magee School, with combined elementary and secondary classes, was built by the Point Grey School Board, at the corner of Magee Road (now 49th Ave.) and Cypress Street. The school was built as a result of the population growth during the tremendous expansion of Vancouver before World War I and the extension of streetcar service to Kerrisdale in 1912.

Residential development after the War resulted in overcrowding at Magee School, and lobbying led to the construction of Maple Grove Elementary, adjacent to the Magee School site, in 1924-25. The impact of the baby-boom generation is seen in a classroom and gymnasium addition in 1952, designed by School Board architect E.D. King.

The provincial government has pledged $24.4 million to replace Maple Grove Elementary School. The replacement school will occupy the same site and have capacity for 500 students.

Please check out the archival photographs in the Gallery section of this place.


Canada's Historic Places, BC Gov News


Maple Grove Elementary


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