Bezzasso House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Christine Leviczky Riek


620 Keefer St, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The existing heritage building, listed in the ‘B’ evaluation category on the Vancouver Heritage Register, is valued for its rich aesthetic features and for its long association with the Bezzasso family, and the history of immigration in the Strathcona Community. It was built in 1902 by William Cline for an Irish immigrant named John Clandenning who had become a foreman at the Hastings Mill. Joseph Vicars, a friend of Mr. Clandenning and fellow mill foreman, built a comparable house (which still exists) next door at 612 Keefer Street in 1905.

These houses are good examples of both the burgeoning wealth of the middle class in the City during the first decade of the last century, and the association of the neighbourhood with the industries of the nearby waterfront during that period. The house features many original late-Victorian and early-Edwardian details such as its decorative fretwork and trims, bay windows, multi-paned original wood windows, original siding, mouldings, fascias and soffits, as well as its front and rear porches. Features also include its asymmetrical form and facetted front façade.

A garage was added on in 1911.


City of Vancouver


Bezzasso House


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