727 Keefer St


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Christine Leviczky Riek


727 Keefer St, Vancouver BC






This multiple dwelling house is an old railroad bunkhouse that was moved to the city. It was built in 1900 but was not listed in the city directories until 1909, first listed as ‘Cabins’. Up until 1913 the surrounding neighbourhood was predominantly British-Canadian, but by 1913 the directories show the increase in residents listed as “Italians” and “Chinese”.

In 2002, the owner and the City of Vancouver entered into a Housing Agreement in order for the owners to receive relaxations to the Zoning and Development By-law. The Housing Agreement secures the building for 12 units of upgraded self-contained low-income housing for singles in the Downtown Eastside for 15 years.


City of Vancouver Directories, Vancouver Heritage Resource Inventory, City of Vancouver, By-law No. 8606. , Administrative Report on 727 Keefer Street


727 Keefer St


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