732 Princess Ave, Vancouver BC
Protection & Recognition
- M: Municipal Protection
Jane Wilks signed the building permit application for this building in 1903, which was to become a rental property for her family. Gilbert Parker and Mary McKinnell moved in as soon as the house was completed. A colourful variety of residents lived in the house after the McKinnell’s eight year residency. The city directories list ship Captain James John Bartlett as living there with his family from 1912-1925.
732 and 750 Princess avenue were technically on the same title, each straddling a portion of two adjacent lots running north-south.
In 2000, the owner of 732 Princess, together with the homeowner at 750, and through a complex Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the City of Vancouver, they were eventually able to reconfigure the lots and separate land titles. In return for this process, they agreed to legally protect the heritage houses from demolition, gaining the homeowners bronze heritage plaques.
732 Princess Avenue is listed in the “C” category of the Vancouver Heritage Register. Its massing and detail are typical of the “classic Edwardian box” form of single-family dwelling: hipped roof, central dormer, cubic volume, asymmetrical bay and front verandah. The house possesses a high degree of authenticity and integrity and makes a significant contribution to the streetscape and character of the Strathcona neighbourhood.
City of Vancouver, VHF 2009 Heritage House Tour Brochure
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