814-822 Jackson Ave


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Christine Leviczky Riek


822 JACKSON Ave, Vancouver BC






This unusual 1906 row-house echoes the Queen Anne detailing of 800 Jackson Street, but the forms are compressed under one side gable roof. Each unit is given an individual identity by the use of a tall bay and gable motif. Several of these developments occurred in Strathcona in response to the increased population in the area.

The later growth of the outer suburbs, due to increased mobility, drew people away from the inner city and allowed this neighbourhood to retain its single family dwelling identity.

The gables, bay windows, and vertical emphasis expressed by the individual homes within the row of the Queen Anne style terrace recall the late Victoria Brick terraces of London and Toronto as much as the wooden row housing of 1880s San Francisco.


Heritage Inventory Summary Report Phase II 1986, Exploring Vancouver, Harold Kalman, Ron Phillips, and Robin Wood


814-822 Jackson Ave


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