826 W 15th Ave


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: roaming-the-planet


826 W 15th Ave, Vancouver BC






Heritage Conservation Grant 2021


Built in 1910, this house has a classical frame with wood façade, wood trim and a wood frame.

The house has its original windows, including stained glass windows. The façade has a shingle patterned gable and a large front bay window onto porch.

There were many changes to the house over the years. By the 1980s, the porch had been closed in and covered up with layers of plywood, scrap wood and other objects. There was stucco siding.

Recently, the property has been restored to its original appearance. It is now painted in heritage colours.

Henderson’s Greater Vancouver City Directory 1915 lists the occupant as James Black, Bookkeeper. He worked at McLennan, McFeely and Co., a company that sold hardware, sporting goods, ship chandlery, blacksmith’s and lumberman’s supplies. They were located at 99 Cordova at the corner of Columbia.


City of Vancouver records, Henderson’s Greater Vancouver City Directory 1915


826 W 15th Ave


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