Hendrix House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Christine Leviczky Riek


827 E Georgia St, Vancouver BC






VHF True Colours 2007, VHF Restore It 2007

Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The Hendrix House at 827 East Georgia Street, on the Vancouver Heritage Register as a C-listing, is of heritage value principally due to cultural associations. From 1938 to 1952 it was the residence of Nora Hendrix, grandmother of Jimi Hendrix, American guitarist of importance in the 1960s.

Nora Hendrix was a former vaudevillian and a founder of the Fountain Chapel at 823 Jackson Avenue, a focal point of black cultural activity in Strathcona.

When the house was built between 1904-1905, East Georgia Street was known as Harris Street. 827 E Georgia Street represents a good example of the neighbourhood’s modest workers’ housing, featuring a bay window set behind a full width front porch, and decorative shingling in the gable end.

For more on Nora Hendrix, 827 E Georgia Street, and Strathcona, please visit http://blackstrathcona.com/#jimi-and-nora


City of Vancouver, VHF Files, Black Strathcona


Hendrix House


Directions in Google Maps


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