837 Hamilton St


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Stephanie Warner


837 Hamilton St, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The houses at 827-863 Hamilton Street are aesthetically valued for their typical Victorian design in the Queen Anne Style and for their contribution to a cohesive streetscape. The houses are distinguished by their two-storey bays and fine ornamental detailing. The houses were adapted to evolving commercial needs and converted to retail use. The houses are of value as surviving examples of single-family residential development in a neighborhood that predominantly consists of commercial structures and high-rise residential development. As part of the redevelopment of the block in the 1990’s, three of these last survivors were restored and the house at 827 Hamilton Street is a complete replica of the original.


City of Vancouver Heritage Plaque Program, Canada's Historic Places via Vancouver Heritage Conservation Program


837 Hamilton St


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