854 W 23rd Ave


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Ed Biggs


854 W 23rd Ave, Vancouver, BC


South Cambie




This house is an intact example of the Craftsman style bungalow style. The house has a wood frame and wood façade. There is half-timbering trim on the gable front. The front entry and the leaded glass are original. Other details are brackets and porch openings with dentil coursing.

The house appears to have been built around 1912. It appears on the Goad’s Fire Insurance Map for this time, and was first taxed by the city in 1912. However, city directories do not contain records of any occupant at this time. In 1920, the occupant was Emerson Walmsley, mechanic at Imperial Garage.


City of Vancouver records, Henderson’s Vancouver Directory


854 W 23rd Ave


Directions in Google Maps


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