863 Hamilton St


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Stephanie Warner


863 Hamilton St, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


Before the turn of the century, most of the downtown peninsula was filled with this type of suburban housing. The Queen Anne was the most popular domestic style. This house from 1895 is a very good example of the style and features outstanding gable ornamentation and decorative shingle patterns. It is now a rare survivor in the local area. City directories tell us that a man named Alex Gibson/Gibbin was the first occupant. These four Victorian homes date from when Vancouver was less than a decade old and new houses such as these filled the neighbourhood all the way to Granville and Hastings Streets. The other 3 houses were from 1893, but as part of the redevelopment of the block in the 1990s, three of these last survivors were restored and the house at 827 Hamilton Street is a complete replica of the original. The houses are not painted according to the True Colours Historic paint palette.


City of Vancouver Heritage Plaque Program, Vancouver Heritage Inventory Phase II 1986 Summary Report


863 Hamilton St


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