Boyd Building


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Christine Leviczky Riek


88 E Cordova St, Vancouver BC






The Boyd Building was likely built in 1928 by Thomas Boyd, a Vancouver pioneer. The building remained in the Boyd family until 1989.

Replacing an earlier timber structure on the same site, this brick building first served first as an extension of the Columbia Hotel. Later, it was rented to a series of tenants, including for a long period, E.W. Grant and Son, who operated a sheet metal works here. The mix of commercial and hotels side-by-side is reflective of the nature of the neighbourhood.

By 1928, the hub of Vancouver’s commercial activity had shifted west and Cordova Street was no longer the city’s most important shopping street. The contrast between the scale of this building and those nearby, erected earlier, illustrate this change in Gastown’s place in the larger city.


Canada's Historic Places


Boyd Building


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