885 E Georgia St, Vancouver BC
Protection & Recognition
- M: Municipal Protection
The house at 885 East Georgia Street is listed in the “B” category on the Vancouver Heritage Register. The water connection application for this house was made by the Vancouver Improvement Company on July 13th 1895, and was sold to the Barker family sometime around 1897. Thomas M. Barker was a flour and feed merchant. His wife and son lived in the house until 1912, 6 years after his death. William Barker was a bookbinder for G.A. Roedde, Vancouver’s first printer and bookbinder.
This 2½ storey house located at the east end of Strathcona amongst a variety of older single-family houses is of value because it is one of the older houses in this part of Vancouver’s oldest residential neighbourhood and is a very good example of the Vancouver Builder style from the Edwardian era. This style is characterized by tall, gable-end massing with a full width front porch with a decorative gable above the front stairs. The house has double hung windows, shiplap siding with decorative shingles in the upper front gable and porch gable. There is simple fretwork adorning the square porch posts.
City of Vancouver, VHF 2008 Heritage House Tour Brochure
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