Hotel Vancouver


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Chimp Photo Club


900 W Georgia St, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


A: Primary Significance


Opened in 1939, this is the third hotel to be named ‘Hotel Vancouver’.

The first Hotel Vancouver was a five-story, brick structure that looked and functioned much like a farmhouse.

The second hotel, opened in 1916, was built in a grand Italianate revival style. The hotel was the meeting place for Vancouver society and was considered one of the great hotels of the British Empire. Yet, during the Second World War, the hotel was turned into a government administration building and was torn down in 1949.

The third Hotel Vancouver was built in exchange for the granting of terminal rights to the Canadian National Railway on the east end of False Creek, which was at that time an undeveloped swamp.

The hotel was designed by Archibald and Schofield. Started in 1928, the building took 11 years to complete, due to the Depression. The hotel opened its doors on the eve of the royal visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

The CBC started broadcasting from the hotel’s 17th floor. The beloved Dal Richard’s performed from the legendary Panorama Ballroom.


Vancouver Heritage Inventory Summary Report Phase II 1986, Fairmont Hotel Vancouver website


Hotel Vancouver


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