2575-2577 Cornwall Ave, Vancouver BC


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Brian Kipp


2575-2577 Cornwall Ave, Vancouver BC






2575-2577 Cornwall Street is listed as having been built in 1905, although the address does not show up in directories until 1911, as the home of Roy Mcgowan. From 1906, Mcgowan is listed as living on the corner of Cornwall and Trafalgar, likely in this house. Mcgowan owned Mcgowan & Co., “shipping, commission and insurance agents.”

From 1912 to 1922 there are a long string of residents before George Nelles Stacey bought the house in 1923, staying for twenty years. A rower, Stacey was an accomplished athlete, and was actively involved in rowing at UBC, the Vancouver Rowing Club, and the Commonwealth Games. He was inducted into the BC Sports Hall of Fame in 1966.

2575-2577 Cornwall is a unique example of an Edwardian style house. A few Edwardian details of this house are the hipped roof, full length porch (this one extends around the side), narrow lap siding, and sidelights flanking the door. The large size of the porch, and the columns with capitals, as well as the dentil ranges and planked soffits with decorative brackets make this house a more elaborate, classical version of Edwardian style. Just across the lane is 1428 Trafalgar Street, another “A” heritage home, built just a year later.


British Columbia City Directories, Historical Vancouver Building Permit, BC Sports Hall of Fame


2575-2577 Cornwall Ave, Vancouver BC


Directions in Google Maps


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